Dragon Air Streamer temperature cycling system
Dragon Air Streamer temperature cycling system
Dragon Air Streamer
Dragon is a fast and precise air stream temperature cycling system, from –80?C to +250?C, for various applications. An easy way to improve the reliability of electronic components and materials with thermal testing and characterization.
Temperature from –80?C to +250?C
Adjustable airflow from 2.2 to 8.4 l/s
Fast ramping: -55?C to +125?C = 7s +125?C to -55?C =14s
3 working methods: manual, automatic or programmable.
Compatible with automatic test equipment (ATE).
Continuous use (24/7).
In appliance with the international standard MIL-STD 883 and 750 temperature cycling (method 1010 & 1051) and JEDEC
Thermal test enclosure to fit for any demand.